Forgiveness – How and when to forgive.
OLD-FASHIONED SPIRITUAL WORDS. It is said that old-fashioned words, from the Bible for example, are going out of fashion. Words such as sin, … More “Forgiveness – How and when to forgive.”
Captivity – Ten years in a house of horror!
The separate abduction in Cleveland of three young women, aged 14, 16, and 20, who were held captive for almost ten years, has shocked us to the core. First of all, how were they abducted? Furthermore, how were they kept in this one house without being detected by other homeowners along the street? In addition, … More “Captivity – Ten years in a house of horror!”
An Easter story: Cinderella then and now.
Although everyone knows the Cinderella fairy-tale, I discovered some illuminating spiritual aspects that may appeal to you. But first some background. The story exists in a similar form in many cultures and in many countries, including China and Africa. It’s a “modern” story is attributed to Charles Perrault, a Frenchman who wrote it in 1697. … More “An Easter story: Cinderella then and now.”
A No Carb diet and a truly alive personality.
Karen is one of the most truly alive persons I know. First of all, she is positive, engaging, and interested in you. She laughs easily and is a good conversationalist. I can attest to her dancing prowess as she glides across the floor to The Tennessee Waltz. Karen publishes a magazine called (surprise) Truly Alive. … More “A No Carb diet and a truly alive personality.”
Letter from God after my Dad died
This letter was written, from my imagination, to try to illustrate what God would say to my Mom. It was sent to her shortly after my Dad died. At the time, I told Mom if the letter seems self-righteous or judgemental, please forgive me, because that was not my intent.
The letter was meant to … More “Letter from God after my Dad died”