Climate change: Part 7. Science and faith
I WAS IN STARBUCKS IN LUBBOCK, CLOSE TO TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY. Waiting for a woman I had never met. I told her I was tall and with a gray beard. After sipping a decaf mocha frappe, she tapped me on the shoulder and I stood and shook hands.
She was young (at least compared to … More “Climate change: Part 7. Science and faith”
My house flooded in Albuquerque! What’s the takeaway?
My house flooded – I arrived back from an outstanding Arizona vacation at 8 pm. My ground floor was flooded ….. from a leak in the icemaker water line in the refrigerator (the water-ice filter just broke in two). Although my feelings were numb, I was driven to mop up all the water – and … More “My house flooded in Albuquerque! What’s the takeaway?”
The Beauty and the Barbecue
She was 18 years old, and had graduated from high school just three weeks ago. We stopped for a dinner of barbecue brisket, at Dinks in the Oklahoma town of Bartlesville. This town used to be one of the richest towns in the USA (oil money from the Bartlesville sandstone discovered in the early 1900’s). … More “The Beauty and the Barbecue”