What’s all the fuss about assault rifles, Part 2?
WHATS IN THIS BLOG: • Definition of an assault rifle? • How many bullets can be fired in a few minutes? • An AR-15 type of rifle is an extreme rifle in its killing capacity. • Is driving cars a good analogy to buying/using guns?
Context: Its one week after the groundswell of support for … More “What’s all the fuss about assault rifles, Part 2?”

What’s all the fuss about assault rifles, Part 1?
WHATS IN THIS BLOG: • What are assault rifles? • What are they designed for? • What is the damage they cause to the human body? • Why are they allowed to be sold in the USA?
I RARELY LET EMOTION INTO MY BLOGS, BUT I AM TODAY. The 17 schoolyard deaths in Parkland, Florida … More “What’s all the fuss about assault rifles, Part 1?”