Some Truths about the End of the World
“Do you know when Jesus will come back to earth?” From a boy called Ethan, a direct teenager question shot like an arrow to its target. “I can tell you”, said Jackson the coangel, “that no-one knows the time of Jesus’ return, except God, so I certainly don’t know. However, I will tell you about … More “Some Truths about the End of the World”
A Hope Intervention – Tissues Ready
I was in the mall walking around a store shopping, when I saw a cashier talking to a boy who couldn’t have been more than 5 or 6 years old. The cashier said, “I’m sorry, but you don’t have enough money to buy this doll”. Then the little boy turned to the cashier and asked … More “A Hope Intervention – Tissues Ready”
Wisdom from Kara: 16-years old
“Write an essay on what you would like to change about your school or community”.This was the instruction from a teacher to my grand-daughter Kara. Here is what she wrote (bullet points are mine):
• “If I could change one thing about my community I would make a group for underprivileged or alienated people. Many … More “Wisdom from Kara: 16-years old”
Michael Morton Un-murderer
In 1987 Michael Morton murdered his wife Chris in front of their young child, and was jailed for 25 years. Except that he didn’t do it. This disturbing story was the subject of an excellent CNN Film shown this week on national television, called “An Unreal Dream”.
In brief: • It was in Georgetown, Texas … More “Michael Morton Un-murderer”
Some Truths about Millennials (Generation Y)
First you have the Baby Boomers, born in 1943-1960 (for example Oprah Winfrey and Tom Hanks. I am also one of them). Then Generation X, born 1961-1980 (examples are Jennifer Lopez and Jon Stewart). Finally the Millennials, born 1980-2000 (e.g. Mark Zuckerberg and Lady Gaga).
Millennials in 2013 are made up mostly of teens and … More “Some Truths about Millennials (Generation Y)”
Billy Graham: The Strange Story of How he Got There
Billy Graham: The Strange Story of How he Got There –
P.S. World Vision (a Christian NGO) are in the Philippines providing blankets and food for the hurricane relief. The situation is very serious….no food, no clean water, no meds. If you would like to contribute, click on this link.
The Rev. Billy Graham turned … More “Billy Graham: The Strange Story of How he Got There”
Cabezon: Another Hike Toward Heaven
In past eons, a lot of volcanic activity has occurred in New Mexico. Albuquerque (ABQ) is situated on a tremendous rift valley: the Rio Grande rift. There are whole mountains that used to be volcanoes (e.g., Mt Taylor and Valles Caldera in the Jemez). Also, there are hot springs. And there are 50 volcanic plugs … More “Cabezon: Another Hike Toward Heaven”
When Rejection Hits and Hurts
I heard some sad news recently. A 16-year old autistic boy named Max hanged himself in Kansas. The event touched me personally because I had posted a blog about Max more than a year ago. I quoted a letter from Max’s mother, in which she referred to Max being bullied in school. She complimented the … More “When Rejection Hits and Hurts”
Who is my Neighbor?
Last Saturday morning I received a request to help a neighbor.Well, not exactly a neighbor in my subdivision, but an acquaintance that I know from a home Bible study. First of all, the recent week of rain in New Mexico broke the worst two-year drought on record. Moreover, it caused caused local flooding. It was … More “Who is my Neighbor?”
A Morning Walk along the Arroyo
Yesterday I was down with the blues, but did not know why. So I went dancing last night, which usually restores my upbeat. First of all, they were teaching the Hustle, I dance I had never done. Let me explain, the dance is a kind of swing, and I liked it. Rotating dance partners was … More “A Morning Walk along the Arroyo”