How do we think about God?
“Do you think about God using your analytical mind?” she asked. I was sitting at a desk in a bookstore……signing a copy of my book for this young woman. She was a scientist employed at the big government lab in Los Alamos. “I use both analytical and intuitive modes”, I replied, “but my natural bent … More “How do we think about God?”
Life is Fragile
Life is Fragile – Yesterday in Australia we saw a man die. An older man was riding a bicycle that was hit by a car. The man appeared to veer out into incoming traffic, hit a black car, crashed into and broke the windscreen, and rolled off onto the roadway where his body stopped moving. … More “Life is Fragile”
Marketing the book: Resilience
Marketing the book: Resilience
I’ve been thinking about how best to market my book Hiking Toward Heaven. I thought about going door-to-door, like Frank Dalby Davidson did to get his bestseller “Man-Shy” off the ground (because no-one wanted to publish it). That book, written in the 1930s I believe, was an enchanting story about a … More “Marketing the book: Resilience”