Some Truths about the End of the World
“Do you know when Jesus will come back to earth?” From a boy called Ethan, a direct teenager question shot like an arrow to its target. “I can tell you”, said Jackson the coangel, “that no-one knows the time of Jesus’ return, except God, so I certainly don’t know. However, I will tell you about … More “Some Truths about the End of the World”
An Image of Heaven: A Scientist View
When I die I may not go to heaven, ‘Cause I don’t know if they let cowboys in. If they don’t, then let me go to Texas, ‘Cause Texas is as close as I’ve been. This song was by Tanya Tucker, who admitted in another song “My soul’s in San Antone”.
Not too far … More “An Image of Heaven: A Scientist View”