Some Truths about Love. Part 1.
I dedicate this blog to Sarena and Staci and Mary Ann and Alison (my mother)…..four women who have demonstrated remarkable strength and faith, hope, and love in the face of physical adversity. This is my 100th blog….thank you Lord for 100 opportunities to write.
Love may be the most misunderstood word in the English language. … More “Some Truths about Love. Part 1.”
The Mask of Zorro and the Mask of Jesus.
A little history about the mask of Zorro: • In 1847 California, which had been settled by the Spanish, was ceded by Mexico to the US. • Also, in 1848 gold was discovered in California and the gold rush began. • And in 1919 a man called Johnston McCulley wrote a story called The Curse … More “The Mask of Zorro and the Mask of Jesus.”
Bible Prophecy – Oil in Israel?
More than 1,000 prophecies are found in the Bible, and a high percentage (~80%) of these have come true. But one has not…… at least up to now. The prophesy (see below) by Jacob that his son Asher would “dip his foot in oil” has led oil and gas explorers to search diligently for oil … More “Bible Prophecy – Oil in Israel?”
Addicts and Millennials Together in Church on a Week Night?
One evening this week, I was feeling sorry for myself. After visiting the dermatologist. I came home with two blood-red biopsy scars on my nose…about an inch apart. And a lot of allergies from the budding cottonwood trees meant I had to handle my runny nose with TLC. My nose looked gruesome after I ditched … More “Addicts and Millennials Together in Church on a Week Night?”
Some Truths about Fracking, Part 1
Some Truths about Marijuana
You can walk into a store and buy recreational marijuana. Where? Colorado now. Washington State this coming summer. Twenty other states in the USA have legalized marijuana for medical use only.
I visited my doctor this week. Lots of gray hair and wisdom. He took off on marijuana (also called pot or weed). “Marijuana use … More “Some Truths about Marijuana”
New Movie: Son Of God
To begin with, in a recent article, I mentioned possible signs of the end-times, when Jesus will return to earth as believed by most Christian faiths. Although two imminent movies were listed (Noah and Heaven is for Real), I omitted one more, Son of God, which opens Friday February 28. Let me explain, the movie … More “New Movie: Son Of God”
Out of the Pews and Walking the Talk
At 7:30 am on a Saturday morning, I was sipping my latte amongst a gathering of church folk, all of whom had their work clothes on. The young woman standing next to me smiled. Jessica could not have been more than 30, and appeared to be alone.
Her Christian faith was relevant, or she would … More “Out of the Pews and Walking the Talk”
The Art of Mindfulness – to Reduce Stress and Boost Contentment
I asked Shanessa’s daughter, who is 17, what are the secrets to greater happiness. She gave me a quick list: • More freedom. My parents are too strict. • More friends ‘liking’ my posts on Facebook. • Live more like the models and superstars in the checkout mags and on TV. • Date more often. … More “The Art of Mindfulness – to Reduce Stress and Boost Contentment”
Some Truths about the End of the World
“Do you know when Jesus will come back to earth?” From a boy called Ethan, a direct teenager question shot like an arrow to its target. “I can tell you”, said Jackson the coangel, “that no-one knows the time of Jesus’ return, except God, so I certainly don’t know. However, I will tell you about … More “Some Truths about the End of the World”