A Tale of Three Churches in Australia
The first church: In Port Lincoln, a center for tuna fishing in Australia, this church was built in a classic architectural style. However, there were rugs hanging out front with For Sale signs on them. The church had been sold to a commercial enterprise. Apparently low attendance could not sustain a pastor. I found myself … More “A Tale of Three Churches in Australia”

Killer Asteroids and End of the World
The dire words of Jesus# “The sun will grow dark and the moon will no longer shine” are supposed to be about the End Times. In other words, this is when many Christians believe Jesus will return to earth. In the later 1900’s it looked like The Cold War between the Soviets and the West … More “Killer Asteroids and End of the World”

Standing up to Prejudice
Prejudice – Standing up to it – I read where a white woman encountered a group of Aboriginal Australian men on a train. The Aboriginal people are a definite minority in Australia, much as Native Americans are in the USA. Other similarities are assigned reservations, land-rights issues, and high unemployment. I summarize below using her … More “Standing up to Prejudice”

Letter 2 to my Grandson
Please consider reading this blog to your young sons or grandsons who play sport. And forward it to some parent or grandparent who you think might like to do the same thing. Letter 1 was about Tim Tebow. Letter 2 here is about the San Antonio Spurs.
Jaden, I hope you were able to watch … More “Letter 2 to my Grandson”

Time will Tell!
While having breakfast at a restaurant, I pulled out a jar of vegemite. For those who don’t know, it’s a salty black yeast extract with a strong … More “Time will Tell!”

Some Truths about Love. Part 1.
I dedicate this blog to Sarena and Staci and Mary Ann and Alison (my mother)…..four women who have demonstrated remarkable strength and faith, hope, and love in the face of physical adversity. This is my 100th blog….thank you Lord for 100 opportunities to write.
Love may be the most misunderstood word in the English language. … More “Some Truths about Love. Part 1.”

The Mask of Zorro and the Mask of Jesus.
A little history about the mask of Zorro: • In 1847 California, which had been settled by the Spanish, was ceded by Mexico to the US. • Also, in 1848 gold was discovered in California and the gold rush began. • And in 1919 a man called Johnston McCulley wrote a story called The Curse … More “The Mask of Zorro and the Mask of Jesus.”

Bible Prophecy – Oil in Israel?
More than 1,000 prophecies are found in the Bible, and a high percentage (~80%) of these have come true. But one has not…… at least up to now. The prophesy (see below) by Jacob that his son Asher would “dip his foot in oil” has led oil and gas explorers to search diligently for oil … More “Bible Prophecy – Oil in Israel?”

Addicts and Millennials Together in Church on a Week Night?
One evening this week, I was feeling sorry for myself. After visiting the dermatologist. I came home with two blood-red biopsy scars on my nose…about an inch apart. And a lot of allergies from the budding cottonwood trees meant I had to handle my runny nose with TLC. My nose looked gruesome after I ditched … More “Addicts and Millennials Together in Church on a Week Night?”