Professional photo Ian Dexter Palmer in blue
Ian in petrified wood hike
Photo of Ian Dexter Palmer

Ian Dexter Palmer lives near the mountains in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He has a Ph.D. in physics from Adelaide University, Australia. By profession, he is a petroleum engineer, who consults all over the world.

As a Christian, Ian has always been fascinated by the interface between faith and science. Of special interest to him are the powerful concepts of grace, forgiveness, and insights from God. In his local church, he has taught Sunday school classes on a wide range of inspirational but practical topics.

Ian’s six grandchildren are a source of joy when he plays tennis or basketball or goes skiing or hiking with them. His hobbies include hiking, dancing, tennis, eating out, and stimulating conversation. After a dinner of cheese enchiladas with green chiles, Ian can sometimes be found two-stepping in the local country-and-western dancehall.


How oil and gas companies are pivoting toward climate change

How Oil and Gas Companies are Pivoting Toward Climate Change 

Intended for experts and lay readers, the book outlines efforts by oil and gas companies to clean up their greenhouse gas emissions while addressing the transition from fossil energies to renewable energies like wind and solar.

The Shale Controversy

The Shale Controversy

In the early twenty-first century, the shale-gas and shale-oil revolution took off in the United States, and Dr. Palmer was in the middle of it, beginning a new career as a consultant in oil and gas production. Dr. Palmer had worked as a fracking engineer for eighteen years at a major oil and gas company, but he gained a fresh perspective in his consultant role—the environmental view. He did extensive R&D work and taught professional classes on shale-gas and shale-oil.

FracMan Conflicted 

Fracking for oil is both dangerous and controversial. Cautious and talented Kelly is a successful young petroleum engineer intent on climbing the corporate ladder. She suddenly finds herself on shaky ground when assigned to work with the FracMan, Jordan, a reckless older engineer whose risk–taking propelled him to the top of the field. Their unlikely attraction brings challenges to them both, as they wrestle with love, risk, and tragedy, while seeking God.

Hiking Toward Heaven

Hiking Toward Heaven

An adventurous series of hikes in the mountains and canyons of the Southwest United States…

An encounter with a mysterious stranger who makes an intriguing proposition …

An exploration into the powerful Christian themes of love, grace, and forgiveness …

A new formula for dealing with obstacles that life puts in our way …

Glimpses of heaven we can identify with … Altogether, an uplifting reminder of that key Christian attitude –hope –with practical encouragement for tough economic times …

Weed and Water

A mysterious stranger helps a teenage boy called Ethan rescue his mentor, an elderly father-figure, from drowning when their canoe capsizes in a flooding river. A star athlete, Ethan later gets involved in unsafe sex, which leads to drugs, and gets him blackballed by jealous and gossiping team-mates. The boy is going down, and at times hates himself for it and for hurting his mom who is a caring, loving, and beautiful woman.

After another disastrous episode, where Ethan might have died, the river-stranger turns up again to confront him about his life choices. However, even after rehab, the boy’s condition is marked by a yo-yo attitude which causes massive emotional heartache for his mom.

Shale Controversy award

“Not everyone is going to pick up a book about shale, but I found this to be very informative and surprisingly easy to follow and comprehend.

The author’s use of graphics was beneficial but not over-used.

Dr. Palmer took a complex topic and presented his material in layman terms for a general audience, even adding suggested topics and chapters for those not inclined to read this book from beginning to end.

Since fracking is a hot topic, this would provide a better understanding of what is involved and the pros and cons of shale-oil and shale-gas.“

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