Ian Dexter Palmer, PhD is the author of The Shale Controversy, Fracman Conflicted, Hiking toward Heaven, and Weed and Water

Photo in about Ian Dexter Palmer Ian Dexter Palmer lives near the mountains in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He has a Ph.D. in physics from Adelaide University, Australia. By profession, he is a petroleum engineer, who consults all over the world.

As a Christian, Ian has always been fascinated by the interface between faith and science. Of special interest to him are the powerful concepts of grace, forgiveness, and insights from God. In his local church, he has taught Sunday school classes on a wide range of inspirational but practical topics.

Ian’s six grandchildren are a source of joy when he plays tennis or basketball or goes skiing or hiking with them. His hobbies include hiking, dancing, tennis, eating out, and stimulating conversation. After a dinner of cheese enchiladas with green chiles, Ian can sometimes be found two-stepping in the local country-and-western dancehall.

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On Ian’s blog, you will find topics on Science and Energy, Health and Hiking, Inspiration and Hope.



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allan webber
8 years ago

Ian from the Gammon Ranges to New Mexico I have remained interested in your thoughts. I too write on matters that interested us both long ago but from a different perspective.

Michael Roberts
Michael Roberts
8 years ago

Yes, that’s fine

Charles Christopher
Charles Christopher
9 years ago

Hi Ian, it has been too long. I have retired 3 times and believe this one will stick. We live in Cedar Park, just North of Austin (and a thousand miles from its liberal philosophy). Between spending much time with our 6 grandchildren, I am pondering what I believe God wants me to do next. I know there is a huge, mostly wasted resource of retired people who have much to give and a strong desire to do so. So, I am looking for opportunities to facilitate that with a Christian slant.
We were at a production last week where a huge black man with a singing voice like I would imagine God would sound was singing. He said something I think you and your readers would enjoy:
I am nobody
Who wants to tell everybody
About Somebody
Who can save anybody

All the best.

Rose Marie
Rose Marie
10 years ago

Hi, Ian! It was a pleasure visiting with you yesterday at the Bath House in Jemez Springs. Thank you for leaving your card…your book sounds like something I would enjoy reading. You are definitely a charming guy!

10 years ago
Reply to  Rose Marie

Hi Rose Marie, we enjoyed the soak and the massage very much and hope to return some day. I definitely think you will enjoy the book….. it has some charming passages in it!

Dave Nawrocki
Dave Nawrocki
10 years ago

Greetings Ian! Very well done website and thanks for informing me about it. We appear to have a lot in common. And BTW If you are open to having some company next time you go dancing, I’d be happy to tag along with you. I’d like to get back into that again. Maybe we should invite Karen as well. What do you think? Best wishes.

10 years ago
Reply to  Dave Nawrocki

Dave, thanks for your encouraging comment about the website. I like your dancing suggestion and will email you offline.

10 years ago

Hi Don. Nice to hear from you. I was thinking about you just the other day actually. I have lived in ABQ for seven years now and I love it. I wrote a chapter about Ancho rapids in a new book I am working on. My email is ian@higgs-palmer.com Best regards.

11 years ago

As well as writing blogs, Ian can be found teaching the Foxtrot to willing dance partners. Waltzing, and Nightclub steppin too. A true gentlemen. Thank you for your patience Ian. Unfortunately, I sustained a painful but minor shoulder strain while dancing two weeks ago. I should be back to “the practice” on Friday. See you on the dance floor.

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