Studies of Our Sun Connected to my Early Career and Personal Failings
Warning: this story gets into my early research career, which focuses on the sun. If this seems a boring topic,...
Australian Story 1 Related to the Energy Transition
I’m from Australia, and my home state is South Australia. It’s a large state in area but only 1.8 million...
New Book Release by Ian Palmer
I’ve just released a new book called How Oil and Gas Companies are Pivoting Toward Climate Change published by Cambridge...
Should we trust science?
Andy Stanley is a preacher and a highly-rated Christian apologist. Son of Charles Stanley, a famous Baptist minister, Andy has...
Brain implants that artificially convert thoughts into action
We are all familiar with devices that convert verbal words into actions. I can tell Alexa in my laptop what...
Explosions on the Sun that can affect our lives.
This blog is about major hiccups that occur on the surface of the sun, and how their radiation affects humanity...
Elon Musk and Bill Gates on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and How to Understand it.
Ten years ago, I made a prediction that 2023 might be an end-times year because I saw a graph that...
Black hole surprises
What are black holes?Black holes are formed when a star dies. But it must be a heavy star, 5-10 times...
When Pre-humans Walked the Earth
A friend asked me recently if there were other people on earth when Adam and Eve were created? I replied...
Earthquakes in Turkey, Indonesia, Japan, Oklahoma and Texas – what’s important to know.
A very big earthquake occurred on February 6, 2023 near the border between Turkey and Syria, and it rocked the...