Wisdom from Kara: 16-years old
“Write an essay on what you would like to change about your school or community”.This was the instruction from a...
Michael Morton Un-murderer
In 1987 Michael Morton murdered his wife Chris in front of their young child, and was jailed for 25 years....
Some Truths about Millennials (Generation Y)
First you have the Baby Boomers, born in 1943-1960 (for example Oprah Winfrey and Tom Hanks. I am also one...
Billy Graham: The Strange Story of How he Got There
Billy Graham: The Strange Story of How he Got There – P.S. World Vision (a Christian NGO) are in the...
When Rejection Hits and Hurts
I heard some sad news recently. A 16-year old autistic boy named Max hanged himself in Kansas. The event touched me personally because...
Who is my Neighbor?
Last Saturday morning I received a request to help a neighbor.Well, not exactly a neighbor in my subdivision, but an...
A Morning Walk along the Arroyo
Yesterday I was down with the blues, but did not know why. So I went dancing last night, which usually...
An Image of Heaven: A Scientist View
When I die I may not go to heaven, ‘Cause I don’t know if they let cowboys in. If...
The Man in the Seat Next to Me
I was flying Southwest from Houston back to ABQ after a challenging all-day course I presented on the shale-gas revolution...
Gloomy Thinking is Contagious, and can Lead to Depression and to Dementia
Every close relationship (eg, romantic; marriage; boss and employee; parent and child) can be described by a positive circle and...